Supporting Women and Children

through Disaster Relief and Community Engagement

Amurtel aiding those from Gaza

Amurtel volunteers have staged in Cairo, Egypt as they partner with other agencies to bring aid to Palestinians facing starvation and untreated medical emergencies in
Gaza. It is challenging to find ways to get goods into Gaza but we are determined to continue this effort as the need is so dire.

Our volunteers are also focusing on supporting those families who have been able to escape Gaza and are now faced with the daunting challenge of settling in Cairo.

Amurtel continues to put together much needed Dignity packages for Palestinian women, source and purchase medical supplies, and offer psychology support for the many who have experienced unimaginable emotional trauma.

Please consider supporting this ongoing effort. The situation for thousands here continues to deteriorate and we must do something to help.

Hadeel arrived in Areesh, and distributed the AMURTEL mother and baby bags. Infant formula and diapers (very difficult to find in poor areas and very expensive for Gazans with no income) soap, sanitary pads for mothers. Hadeel herself is from Gaza and works tirelessly to save the Gazans in Areesh from poverty and distress. She is a teacher and dreams to start her own school for Gazan children there in Areesh.

Together we reached 6240 Ukrainian Refugees

AMURTEL Romania  just recently wrapped up two years of supporting the mental health and resiliency of 6250 Ukrainan refugees within the bigger “Care for Ukraine” project funded by CARE-FONPC-SERA.   We want to celebrate and appreciate the dedication and hard work of our team, in which Ukrainian women like Natalia, Cristina and Gunaratna took the leadership to help their fellow citizens.

We also recognize that none of it would have been possible without the initial outpouring of support that all of you sent so that we could immediately get a team on the ground.


AMURTEL, directed and managed by women, provides disaster relief and works with women and children to build local capacity. With a focus on community self-direction, our projects target progressive education, financial self-sufficiency, health, and the creation of nurturing homes for children in need.



AMURTEL provides immediate disaster relief in the aftermath of natural and human-made disasters. Partnering with other organizations, we provide basic needs to the affected communities, including food, and medical care and post-disaster cleanup. To support recovery from trauma, we establish child friendly spaces and provide psychosocial support.